Ответ от 1С:
Программе не удается получить данные о компьютере.
Это может быть, если текущий пользователь ОС не имеет прав администратора
или при каких-нибудь повреждениях операционной системы.
Убедитесь, что запущена служба WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation).
Также попробуйте выполнить следующие рекомендации по ее переустановке, найденные в интернете.
The WMI installation has become corrupted and is no longer functioning properly.
Verify that the WMI service is no longer functioning using the Wbemtest.exe utility or WMIDiag.vbs script, then reinstall WMI. Once WMI is reinstalled, reinstall any additional WMI namespaces from 3rd party applications (like Microsoft Host Integration Server).
Testing WMI Connection with WbemTest
1) Run %SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem\WbemTest.exe
2) Click Connect
3) Click Connect
a. The 0x80041001 error should occur during connect
Testing with the WMIDiag.vbs script.
1) Download the WMIDiag script from the Microsoft website
2) Cscript WMIDiag.vbs
a. The 0x800 41001 error should occur.
Stopping the WMI Service
1) Using Computer Manager
a. Goto Services
b. Select “Windows Management Instrumentation”
c. Right Click
d. Select Stop
2) From the command line
a. Type: Net Stop winmgmt
Reinstalling WMI
1) Using Windows Explorer
a. Goto %SystemRoot%\inf
b. Right Click wbemoc.inf
c. Select Install
2) From the command line type the following
a. rundll32.exe setupapi,InstallHinfSection WBEM 132 %SystemRoot%\inf\wbemoc.inf
Start the WMI Service
1) Using Computer Manager
a. Goto Services
b. Select Windows Management Instrumentation
c. Right Click
d. Select Start
2) From the command line
a. Type: Net Start winmgmt
Test with Wbemtest.exe or WMIDiag.vbs again and see if that resolves the problem.
Reinstall any 3rd party WMI namespaces (like Microsoft Host Integration Server)
1) Locate the *.mof files
2) For each MOF file execute the following
a. Mofcomp filename.mof
3) Locate any WMI related DLL’s
4) For each WMI DLL execute the following
a. Regsvr32 /s filename.dll
5) Stop and Start the WMI Service.
Example: Host Integration Server MOF and DLL files
Until the following MOF and DLLs are reinstalled the following Error may occur accessing the HIS Namespace.
Namespace specified cannot be found.
This is because reinstalling WMI has removed the 3rd party Namespace.
1) Located in C:\Program Files\Host Integration Server\System
a. Wmicomti.dll
b. Wmihis.dll
c. Wmisna.dll
d. Wmisnastatus.dll
e. Wmisnatrace.dll
f. Wmicomti.mof
g. Wmihis.mof
h. Wmisna.mof
i. Wmisnastatus.mof
j. Wmisnatrace.mof
Также рекомендация по восстановлению WMI есть на следующих ресурсах в интернете:
Если рекомендации не помогли - рекомендуется переустановить Windows.
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